A HENKEL contribution every 2.5 hours at Lounges 2016

 In the jubilee year of Lounges, we have dedicated ourselves 11 times to the success of the event. During the three days of the fair (5 – 7 April), we electropolished daily live on stage, and also had a product show for the HENKEL Ferroxyltest HC7000. In addition, our colleagues held four interesting talks on the Topics

  • Stainless steel as a material,
  • On-site repair work,
  • Rouging
  • and functional pharmaceutical surfaces.HENKEL-Stand auf der Lounges 2016

To round things off, we also moderated an open discussion on the subject of rouging. From our point of view the event was a complete success and we are looking forward to next year.

Lounges 2017 will take place from 31 January to 2 February at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre.